Homevideo Your Local Pirates, 21 oktober 2022

Pink And Blue

Got your barbies for girls, your playmobil boys
Pink daughter curls and blue sons’ toys
Raised to be a woman according to plan
Or a child to be forged into a man

What’s up mom, with the pink and blue?
What’s up dad, with the blue and pink
What’s up world, with the pink and blue
Who is deciding what to be, feel, .. and think?

They say boys don’t wear dresses, girls don’t climb trees
Boys come to the rescue, girls aim to please
Here is to those who do not fit in
Neither pink nor blue considered a sin


They say boys can’t bear children, girls don’t have balls
And bodies of choice are against natures’ calls
Here is to those who refuse to live the lie
Escaped from a cage, like birds in the sky

tekst en muziek: Joke Kaviaar, 23 augustus 2021

Homevideo Joke Kaviaar, 2 oktober 2021