One day – new song from prison by Joke K.

Hi you fellow pirates out there!

I miss all your voices, to hear you directly, unfiltered and uncontrolled. But I know you are there and that is a comfort and good to know.

Outside, spring is bursting in an early explosion of singing birds. Last night, as a near full moon lit the sky, I’ve been writing another song for us. It’s also for the women in here, the many voices that wake up in this place every day. I hate it, its barred windows, the fences, the doors, every day I detest it more and more. But we all make it and we all fight for our dignity. Like a true pirate!

I greet you all, keep up the good work!

Love & rage, Joke – and here’s the song:


Behind every door, there’s a dream
and if there is not, there’s a scream
Both they are quiet behind every door
in every prion on every floor

Behind every door, there’s a dream
a whisper or cry, they’re not what they seem
Both they are waiting but who knows what for
in every cell a day once more


One day, one day, the drams will be set free
away, away – away from lock and key
But today, today, the dreams can only flee
away, away, way….

Behind every door, there is hope
and if there is not, there is dope
They both set the mind free, asking form more
in every prison on every floor

Behind every door, there is hope
banging the walls, how else can you cope
If you hear laughter, you know what it’s for
to get through the day, the hours once more


Behind every door. there’s a way
and if there is not, you might forever stay
It is worth the fight or else you just score
In every prison on every floor

Behind every door, there’s a way
breaking through time – away every day
The greatest escape is in your mind once more
Out of that cell and right through the door


Joke Kaviaar, from Nieuwersluis where she is held in prison.

YouLocalPirate Joke Kaviaar locked up. She loves to get mail!

YouLocalPirate Joke Kaviaar locked up. She loves to get mail!

Version in Dutch:

On 24 January, enemy forces arrested Joke kaviaar, one of YourLocalPirates, and took her away to an enemy fortress, ter Peel. She made them transfer to fort Nieuwersluis, much more accessible for pirate support. For the how and shys of her arrest and the trials preceding her imprisionment, see the website of the Support Group 13 September,

Joke loves to get mail. Letters can be sent to:

Joke Kuijt
registratienr. 7805520
PI Utrecht
Postbus 124
3632 ZT Loenen a/d Vecht
Afdeling QB, celnummer 17.

Or send her e-mail! She can even answer, if you indicate the appropriate option. Less expensive than letters, and faster.

Pirate Joke uses her time in pricon in an fruitful and creative fashion. Soon, some evidence on this website.

YourLocalPirate Peter

YourLocalPirate Joke Kaviaar opgesloten. Ze krijgt graag post!

YourLocalPirate Joke Kaviaar opgesloten. Ze krijgt graag post!

Engelstalige versie:

Op 24 januari hebben vijandelijke troepen Joke Kaviaar, één van Your Local Pirates, gevangengenomen en afgevoerd naar een vijandelijk fort, Ter Peel. Ze wist gedaan te krijgen dat ze werd overgeplaatst naar fort Nieuwersluis, een stuk bereikbaarder voor pirate support.

Voor het hoe en waarom van haar gevangenschap en van de strafzaak die eraan vooraf ging, zie de website van de Steungroep 13 September,

Joke waardeert post en e-mail. Brieven en dergelijke kun je sturen aan:

Joke Kuijt
registratienr. 7805520
PI Utrecht
Postbus 124
3632 ZT Loenen a/d Vecht
Afdeling QB, celnummer 17.

Of stuur haar e-mail!: Zie Als je het betreffende vakje aanvinkt, kan ze nog antwoorden ook.

Piraat Joke gebruikt haar tijd in gevangenschap nuttig en creatief. Binnenkort daarvan enkele bewijzen.

YourLocalPirate Peter